The most common metaphor for software development is building construction. Using construction as the guiding metaphor implies these steps:I'm trying to think this metaphor through, as, until now, I had not questioned the metaphor of architecture. Intuitively, I have a sense for what Hunt and Thomas mean. After all, these guys started the Agile Alliance, which takes the 'waterfall' or linear model of software development as its main target. The four main principles of the Agile Manifesto are:
- An architect draws up blueprints.
- Contractors dig the foundation, build the superstructure, wire and plumb, and apply finishing touches.
- The tenants move in and live happily ever after, calling building maintenance to fix any problems.
Well, software doesn't quite work that way. Rather than construction, software is more like gardening--it is more organic than concrete. You plan many things in a garden according to an initial plan and conditions. Some thrive, others are destined to end up as compost. You may move plantings relative to each other to take advantage of the interplay of light and shadow, wind and rain. Overgrown plants get split or pruned, and colors that clash may get moved to more aesthetically pleasing locations. You pull weeds, and you fertilize plantings that are in need of some extra help. You constantly monitor the health of the garden, and make adjustments (to the soil, the plants, they layout) as needed.
- Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
- Working software over comprehensive documentation
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Responding to change over following a plan
The first thing I learned gardening is that you cannot start from scratch. No matter how much pesticide you spray or soil you import, there are soil, drainange, water, sunlight, insect, animal, and other conditions that shape what will grow and what won't. The earth has been here a lot longer than your garden has. In the software world, you don't begin at the beginning either. You have a team's knowledge and relationships, IT infrastructure, available languages and platforms, customer expectations, and the market of existing competitors and third party vendors, to name a few. And, of course, the majority of work as a software developer is not development but refactoring existing code.
The last main thing I learned is that to be a good gardener, you have to be able to learn. No one is born with a green thumb, but some people learn more quickly than others what works and what doesn't. It's a lot easier to start gardening if you know some people who already garden. And no matter how much reading you do, there is always more to learn, because there are always new things you have to deal with. The same is true for software development. Many programmers are 'book-learned' and can't apply their knowledge, or they are narrowly knowledgeable about a handful of languages or platforms. It amazes me when I hear people describe themselves as either back-end and front-end programmers, because a good programmer must be both. If you follow Hunt and Thomas's advice, you'll learn a language a year!
Of course, gardening doesn't sound quite as cool as architecture, but good architecture follows many of the same practices outlined here. For example, modernist architects are accused of ignoring site specificity and simply plopping down skyscrapers in the middle of thriving urban ecosystems. If you don't learn from previous projects, you'll get a bunch of haunted shells like those that make up Dubai's skyline. Buildings are much less malleable than code, but that is all the more reason not to use them as a model.
-An interview with Andy Hunt and David Thomas about software gardening
Makes the choice of blog name even more fitting. Never really thought about the metaphor but a good one does make explaining your job easier at parties...
ReplyDeleteMy brother, who is an architect, once had someone tell him that he too was an architect--of ideas. I'm still not clear what exactly he did!
ReplyDeletePerhaps less all-encompassing as a metaphor, but I like to think of coding as solving a Rubik's cube, where I progressively get more colors to match on each side through rearrangement (refactoring). I know I'm not going to solve the cube (assume I don't know the algorithm), but maybe I can get close. There are also those positive times that you make multiple moves and suddenly things seem in alignment, and the negative ones where your plan suddenly seems in complete disarray.
ReplyDeleteThe gardening metaphor is nice though.
I made it about halfway through the book before becoming distracted by Android/Java programming. I picked up a book on audio programming, and I want to try a little additive synthesis on my tablet (rooted Nook Color).
A few new concepts I took away were aspect oriented programming and design-by-contract (probably something you guys learned outright in undergrad, but I don't work in languages that codify these principles). I also haven't thought much about generating code programmatically, although I have made use of my own basic scripting "language" for having a user (such as myself) provide input for my code (a molecular dynamics simulator) -- a series of commands with some basic variable-setting and equation capability.
The book is like Walden--good in small doses!
ReplyDeleteThere is no perfect metaphor, and a lot would probably work since development touches on so many things. It's logical, creative, theoretical, practical, aesthetic, ethical--you name it. I'll think on the Rubik's cube, though.