Sunday, May 19, 2013

Taking Another Look at SQL

The man; the mystery
Many people think they can do without RDBMS's.  But before you say goodbye to the relation forever, I think it's useful to recall the problem for which it was meant to solve.  We've become so used to RDBMS's that their benefits may too close to us to be seen clearly.  I have a new-found appreciation for them after reading Ted Codd's 1981 Turing lecture.

Recall that prior to RDBMS's were DBMS's.  If you had data that you needed to persist, you had two options: file-based storage or hierarchical databases like IBM's IMS.  In either case, data storage code was highly coupled with application code.  If you wanted to add a new field to your customer information in IMS, for example, you had to update all your pointers referencing customer information.  If you wanted to query your data, you had to bake your searches in from the beginning.

One of the main things RDBMS's provided was an abstraction layer between your application code and your data model (your data structures, operators, and integrity rules).  Want to add a new persisted field?  No problem!  Programmers could be more productive by focusing on business logic rather than storage details.

Still, by using a relational data model, RDBMS's do shape application code.  They let you query data in ways you had never planned, but you need to have a system to get your data in and out of them.  Hence the need for ORM.  One of the benefits of NoSQL databases like MongoDB is that they have an incredibly simple key-value-based data model.  You can ignore ORM completely, and thus spend even less time thinking about storage.  (There is a trade-off, of course.  Querying the data becomes more difficult).

If there is a reason to go NoSQL, it's programmer productivity.  NoSQL made a lot of sense for Google in the early 2000's due to the cost of hardware. As the cost of processing power continues to decrease, the need to use commodity hardware should not be a central reason to turn to NoSQL for most people.  Programmer productivity should.

In short, I see the move from DBMS's to RDBMS's and now back to NRDBMS's (non-relational database management systems) as part of a broader trend to abstract away details and work on the interesting stuff.  Just as with garbage-collection in OO languages, we're always looking to get closer to the pure space of thought,

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